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I absolutely love the Spring weather where we live. The windows are open, the birds are chirping and I get really excited to tackle outdoor DIY projects before the blazin’ Summer heat starts . DIY projects like this Outdoor Spool Table that I’ve been wanting to make since the Fall.
Last year a warehouse posted they had FREE spools. All you had to do was pick them up. If you haven’t seen large wood spools before, they are raw, dirty, full of splinters and heavy. But FREE is the word I am focusing on here. FREE.
Since the hubs wanted nothing to do with helping me drag more junk back home, it was up to me to muscle some of those freebies home.
As you can see, I did just that! I was able to muscle one large and two medium size spools in to the back of my van all myself.
Now that Spring is here, I finally had a chance to give one of the wood spools a makeover.
To make a DIY Outdoor Spool Table, I used a sander to smooth down the rough edges then stained he bottom of the spool with a gray wood stain.
Since I wanted the Outdoor Spool Table to also be used for additional seating also , I purchased a thick piece of foam and outdoor fabric to cover it with.
I used heavy duty glue to adhere the piece of foam on to the top of the spool. Since the foam was a square, I trimmed it down to fit on to the round top and used stick pins to hold the extras pieces of foam in to place until the glue dried.
After the foam was adhered on to the spool, I covered it with outdoor fabric and used a staple gun to secure it down.
Since the middle of this spool was made of heavy duty chipboard, I covered it with sisal rope and nailed fabric tacks around the top of the stool to keep the fabric secure.
My new Spool Table looks great by the pool next to the patio furniture I gave a makeover to last year.
Of course being a Weekend Warrior usually causes some aches and pains. Remember how I muscled those spools in to my van then dragged them in to the back yard all by myself? It’s amazing what can be accomplished when you’re determine to get a project done. Or , just a crazy, DIY, junker.
After a productive day of DIY projects, I love to sit by our pool, sip on ice cold sparkling water while watching the kids swim and take a much needed Extra Strength TYLENOL® for my muscle aches and pains.
I’m so happy with the way my DIY Outdoor Spool Table turned out. It was worth every ache, pain and splinter I endured too. No Pain No Gain! Right?
I am not a medical expert, and this post is not medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. ©Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc. 2017. The third party trademarks used herein are trademarks of their respective owners.
Click on images to view more projects like this DIY Outdoor Spool Table
That is such a cool idea. I love how well this turned out! #client
Thanks so much Michelle! Holly