As an avid crafter, I love finds and enjoy turning these finds into pretty things. Yes, I am that person who will spend half a day hopping and shopping the same store around town in hopes of scoring awesome "Day After the Holiday" deals. Like this Heart Wreath I picked up last year for 75% off and made into this caauuute thing. Heart Wreath Makeover {this post contains affiliate links … [Read more...]
Halloween Tissue Box Cover Makeover
I enjoy decorating my house for Halloween and every year I add more to my home decor collection. I even decorate a bathroom. Not kidding. This year, I gave my kids old ceramic tissue box cover a makeover turning t in to a Halloween Tissue Box Cover Halloween Tissue Box Cover Makeover {this post contains affliate links referencing products used} My simple tissue box makeover … [Read more...]
Spooky Halloween Jars
Eeek! I seriously think this is my favorite Halloween project I've made so far this year! These Spooky Halloween Jars were soooo simple to make too. Funny how the simplest projects can become one of your favs. Spooky Halloween Jars {this post contains affliate links referencing products used} . This project is exactly why I've started to keep hoard empty jars around. I've … [Read more...]
Apple of My Eye Pencil Holder
The end of the school year is fast approaching and for some of you school is already out. My kids still have 5 1/2 days of school left, but who's counting?Here's a quick and easy Apple of My Eye Pencil Holder made with the Jinger Adams Sweet Tart Scrapbooking Kit. I keep hoard a variety of cans handy to use for quick projects just like this one. Recycled cans are really great little … [Read more...]
Spring Burlap and Button Banner
I Love Springtime! Open windows. Longer days. I can force keep the kids outside. Hang up a pretty Spring Burlap and Button Banner. Life's Good. Spring Burlap and Button Banner {this post contains affliate links referencing products used} I wish I could take ALL the credit for creating this banner but it's actually a pre-made banner I picked up as an "After Easter Deal" last year … [Read more...]