Heart Wreath Makeover
{this post contains affiliate links referencing products used}
When I saw this Plain Jane wreath I knew it had lots of potential. Since nobody else showed it any love before Valentine’s Day, it couldn’t be left unloved anymore. Sniff, sniff, small tear. Wipe away them tears unloved Heart Wreath, Mama will take you home and turn you into something pretty.
The wreath was still cute before it’s makeover, a lil’ simple but it’s from Target and totally worth $3. You can’t go wrong with Target.
To makeover the Heart Wreath, I glued glitter heart table scatter on to each heart {another fun find in the clearance section} and made rolled flowers using May Arts Ribbon.
The Love sign is made with my Silhouette and a Echo Park Heart cut file and Pebbles Inc. dimensional stickers, Chips and papers from the Yours Truly collection.
This whole Heart Wreath Makeover cost me less then $4 to make. Love ’em kinda deals. I’m already gettin’ ready for Feb 15th this year…Shop On!
I love the details you added to this. It’s just precious!
– Tasha @ Designer Trapped in a Lawyer’s Body {www.designertrapped.com}
Fantastic! I saw that same wreath, but duh, your vision was more powerful!!