My daughter and I made these Temporary Ice Cream Tattoos over Spring Break. We actually made lots of projects over Spring Break. These Tattoos were created in between making clay animals and Rainbow Loom baskets. Yes, you read that correctly, Rainbow Loom baskets, not bracelets. She’s definitely an creative overachiever.
How to make Temporary Tattoos
{this post contains affliate links referencing products used}
This is how one of our conversations went one afternoon….
Hey Mom, do you have any ice cream stickers? No,why? I just wanted some. What else do you have to play with? I have tattoo paper. Can we make Ice Cream Tattoos? Only if I can find something simple Silhouette Store. The End. Temporary Tattoos are totally easy to design when you just use Print & Cut Shapes from the Silhouette Store.
To make the Temporary Tattoos, I selected the Print-N-Cut Ice Cream Sundae Topper shapes from the Silhouette Store, mirrored the images then re-sized and duplicated them to fill up the tattoo sheet. When you are using the Print N Cut function with your Silhouette you will need to set the registration marks before printing them off on your printer.
After, the design was printed and the ink was dry, I carefully applied the adhesive sheet over top of the printed image and used my Scraper Tool to rub the image sheet and remove any air bubbles.
Then I loaded the tattoo paper in to my Silhouette Cameo , adjusted the setting for tattoo paper and press cut.
After your tattoos are cut out, carefully apply the tattoo image side down with a wet towel. How you like my daughter’s nails? Painting nails various colors was also popular activity this week. This is her two -toned neon orange and pink polish from Justice look.
Then of course the best part is next, make yourself an Ice Cream Cone and show off your Ice Cream Tattoo!
I think my daughter was thinking “Brain Freeze” in this picture ’cause I was telling her to eat the ice cream quickly since it was starting to melt. If you’re in need of party favors ideas or ways to show your team spirit creating Temporary Tattoos with you CAMEO is definitely a way to go or if you’re like my daughter any excuse to eat ice ream is a win-win too!
This post was first seen on the Silhouette America Blog
Click on images to view more DIY Projects:
What a great idea! I wish things like this would have been around when my daughters were younger, they would have loved making their own temporary tattoos!
Totally a fun idea! Thanks for visiting Amy! Holly 😉
OMG! This is one of the cutest idea uses I’ve seen with the silhouette! I definitely will try it!
Thanks so much Abigail, I love how creating with the Silhouette is endless! Holly
Love this! I am coming back to this! Gotta try it myself!
Thanks Faith, temporary tattoos are really fun! Holly 😉