I have a secret romance with anything to do with Cape Cod. Maybe ’cause I was a Nanny on Nantucket for a Summer back in college? Nope- the kids were total Brat-O’s. Maybe ’cause I spent part of my Honeymoon there? Kennedy’s of Camelot? Whatever it is…Cape Cod and my love of Vintage Summer decor has a special place in my heart.
{this post contains affliate links referencing links}
The colors and embellishments of the Vintage Summer collection from Little Yellow Bicycle reminds me of clapboard cottages, sandy beaches and the quaint lighthouses of Cape Cod. {Love, Love!}
My husband and I spent part of our honeymoon on Nantucket and since we recently celebrated our 14th anniversary, I got a lil’ sentimental and decided to make a Vintage Summer home decor project, mixed media style.
Nope, this isn’t a photo of us on on honeymoon either, we’re not even in Cape Cod, I just like it.
Since the collection reminds me of clapboard cottages, I choose to include a wood element in my project by painting and distressing a wood board to use as the project base.
I used my Silhouette to cut out a Lighthouse cut file using a variety of the Vintage Summer cardstock, gave the windows texture by cutting small pieces out of a burlap tag and adhered them behind the windows. Yes, cutting up a burlap tag was a lil’ hard to do…Gulp!
What’s unique about the Vintage Summer collection, is it pairs nicely with the Little Yellow Bicycle Naturals Collection. I mixed and matched the collections together by combining the cork, burlap and the canvas embellishments.
I machine stitched a zig-zag stitch around the edge of blue gingham paper, used my Silhouette again to cut out a Lori Whitlock Clouds cut file then made them dimensional and stuck a cute Vintage Summer stick pin and cork heart stick pin from the Naturals Collection.
So, what’s the beach without a cute beach bag? I did mention how much I love these papers so I couldn’t resist creating another project out of it.
I used my Silhouette again to cut out a Beach Style Gift Bag cut file from Megan Hardy Designs out of a piece of Patchwork Quilt paper then embellished the bag with Vintage Summer paper flowers and a Naturals wood button.
Congrats to you and such awesome projects!
Love both these projects. Awesome!
Love both projects and love the paper! Hubby will be happy he was included 😉
Awesome Projects!! My favorite is the Beach bag…Gorgeous paper!!
Congrats to you!
Have a wonderful day,
♥ Crafting With Creative M (my blog)♥
♥ 2 Creative Chicks Challenges ♥
♥ Silhouette Challenges ♥
What a great layout and beautiful colors.
You could enter this in my DL.ART Thankful Thursday Anything Goes July Linky Party
these are FAB! love the lighthouse – so clever with the cutting! congrats on being a part of the LYB team! 🙂
I’m loving every bit of these projects… I specially love the zig-zag. I must confess I’ve been wanting to do this for so long but I’m a bit scared of doing it. I don’t know, I might be silly but I’m scared of screwing it up either the paper or the machine LOL. Your project is so inspiring! Love it!!!
Thank you so much Camila! I am by no means good at sewing but I can manage to sew paper. So just go for it and it definitely doesn’t have to be perfect! Also, if you mess up, pull out the thread and use a bone fold to flatten the paper back down, then start over. Will barely notice it. Good Luck- Holly 🙂