I have a love for burlap. I would probably wear a burlap shirt if it wasn’t itching and weird. Add in some pretty white doilies and my heart pretty much skips a beat like it’s done for the last week since I hung up this Burlap and Doily Banner in my craft room.
Burlap and Doily Banner
{this post contains affliate links referencing products used}
A few weeks ago, I shared my Vintage Inspired Craft Room Tour. I spent a lot of time, {not kidding, a lot of time!} working very hard to get it ready for a Craft Room Tour. After I shared my room, I was looking through pictures and decided my room needed a few more things. Like a rug, a little more rearranging, a super cute Banner and definitely a new light. Phew, now that’s a tall order!
The rug was easy to find thanks to Ross, the Burlap Banner was simple to make but I still needed to find a craft light that wasn’t bulky on the table and provided great light. Then, I discovered my dream craft lamp from OttLite. It’s called a LED Cobra Desk Lamp With USB and yes, it looks like a Cobra too. My son now wants this lamp in his room since it actually looks like a Cobra. Ha- that ain’t happening!
So one Saturday morning, I decided it was time to make a Burlap and Doily Banner. I pulled out all the supplies I needed. Pretty Pebbles Inc Spring Fling paper, burlap and my trusty We R Memory Keeper Banner Punch Board.
The problem with cuttng burlap is that is frays and makes a big mess. A tip with cutting burlap is to brush the area you are going to cut with Mod Podge first. For this banner, I made a 10 x 4 paper template, pinned it on to the burlap then brushed Mod Podge around the edges. Let the Mod Podge sit for a few minutes but not long enough to totally dry then cut the burlap where you applied the Mod Podge. The Mod Podge seals the ends and prevents fraying.
When the Mod Podge is totally dry, take your burlap strips, fold them in half, then fold over again, pin if needed and cut the ends at an angle to make a perfect, symmetrical banner. Awesome, huh?!
After my burlap banner bases were cut, I used a We R Memory Keepers Punch Board to trim out patterned paper to mat on the burlap then hot glued a pretty white doily over top.
I then string the Burlap and Doily Banners on to jute twine using hot glue. I think I forgot to mention this Ottlite Cobra Lamp has a USB plug in it! Not only does it provide 3 settings of light, one of them being a bloggers BFF, natural light but you can also charge a device at the same time! Listen to music, charge my phone and get natural light! Win-Win!
Love my new changes to my Vintage Inspired Craft Room. My OttLite lamp was just what I needed on my table too. It’s the prefect size, not to big and bulky, easy to move around and let’s off the best range of light. Did I mention natural light?
Since I am a gal who likes to check off her To Do List of things accomplished let’s see if I got it all done. New rug- Check. New Burlap and Doily Banner- Check. New Craft Light- Check, Check! Winning!
If you love my Cobras OttLite, you can get 30% off any purchase on OttLite using coupon code OttliteLED30 through May 31, 2016. Only USA customers can purchase through OttLite. #LifeInaBetterLight
Click on images to view other Paper Craft tutorials like this Burlap and Doily Banner
I would use it for quilting.
I’m jealous that you know how to quilt! On my bucket list one day. Thanks for visiting! Holly 🙂
I use my ott light for everything in the studio. Sewing and stamping and painting and scrapping… Etc.
The problem is my light is about ten years old and falling apart a little more every day!
Good to hear Linda! Thanks for visiting! Holly 🙂
Love your craft room, the banner really sets it off!
Thank you so much! I love it too when it’s clean… ha! Holly 🙂
l would use the Ottlite for just about any type of crafting. Good lighting helps so much. I love your banner..
Thank you Glida and thanks for entering! Holly 🙂
Would totally love an Ottlite. I have been wanting one for along time now. Sewing and some seamstress work calls for good lighting to which I do not have at home. Thank you and hope I hope. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@refashionedtreasures on instagram
Thanks for stopping by, good luck on the OttlIte! Holly 🙂
I’m starting to put together my very own craft room and would love an Ottlite!
Excited to try out this banner tutorial for my daughter’s birthday decorations 🙂
Great Nicolew, I hope my banner tutorial helps you! Happy Birthday to your daughter! Holly 🙂
I love your craft room! Makes doing crafts so much easier-I spend about 30 mins just finding all the supplies that are spread out/hidden throughout my house!
It’s totally worth getting that craft room clean! It makes crafting sooo much easier and enjoyable too! Holly 🙂
Love this! I’don’t totally use one for sewing!!
Thanks Carolina and yes, you do need an OttLite in your life! Holly 🙂
Holly, I’m loving your vintage-inspired craft room and your burlap and doily banner makes it so cozy! If I won, I’d use my Ottlite to help me with hand-stitching, like embroidery, sewing on buttons and snaps or even browsing my favorite crafting books! I need one of these!
Thanks Kathy for vising! Good Luck- Holly 🙂
I’d definitely use it for weeding vinyl! Good lighting is so helpful when doing that!
P.S. Super cute craft room…love it!
Thanks Kelly. Yes, you definitely need good light when weeding for sure! Holly 🙂
wow. to be organized. that’s my dream oh, to see it to would be good. cute banner. thanks for the chane to win.
Ha Christi, it took me a few weeks to get this organized. Now I gotta work hard on keeping it that way! Thanks for visiting! Holly 🙂
i do all kinds of crafts but mainly crocheting, sewing, knitting (learning) and papercrafting. oh, and jewelry making
Thanks for stopping by Lesley, good luck! Holly 🙂
I have a little blog and this would be so helpful for my photos! I have a lot of light issues and this sounds perfect for me!
Yes Kassie, lighting is so important with photos. This OttLight has great natural light too! Holly :_
My craft “space” is a windowless room in my basement – an Ott Light has been on my Christmas list for two years! Hey, Santa needs to keep busy in late winter so he doesn’t get rusty, right?? ?
Yes, Christine, you definitely need a good light in that basement! Thanks for visiting and good luck! Holly 🙂
Love your cheerful craft room!
Thanks so much Jill, I love it too! Holly 🙂
I need a light to use with my sewing machine and die cutting machine. Thank you for helping me save my eye sight, I really like the banner, Using the dollies really put it over the top.
Thanks so much for stopping by Mary Anne! Good Luck! Holly 🙂
I would use it for sewing.
Thanks for visiting! Good Luck- Holly
I would use it for my vanity table.
Thanks for visiting Colleen, good luck! Holly 🙂
I would use it for crafting.
That’s exactly what I use mine for too! Thanks DJ, good luck! Holly 🙂
Oh, Holly – what a fun room…and super fun with the added touches! I’d love a light like yours – to paper craft with, of course! 🙂
Thanks for visiting Wendy! Good Luck! holly 😉
I would use it for Crafting.
Thanks for visiting Mita! Holly 🙂
I would do arts and crafts
I love arts and crafts! Good Luck! Holly 🙂
I would read wonderful books under my new OttLite lamp!
Sounds relaxing! Thanks for visiting Shelia! holly 🙂
Scrapbook and make cards!
Sounds fun Pam! Thanks for visiting and good luck! Holly 🙂
I would use it for crafting/scrapbooking all.the.time but especially at night. I’ve wanted an ottlite forever!
Thanks for visiting Beck! You definitely deserve an OttLite! Holly 🙂
For knitting!
Thanks for visiting Camille! Good Luck! Holly 🙂
i would definitely sew under my light
Thanks for visiting Marie! Good Luck! Holly 🙂
I would do crafts under my light
Thanks for entering! Holly 😉
I would compute, craft, and write under an OttLite.
Thanks for entering Cheryl! Holly 🙂
I would craft, make cards and probable sew.
Thanks for the giveaway, love your blog.
Thanks for visitng Shelia! Good Luck- Holly 🙂